Why Bull Benefits

There are thousands of employee benefits advisors, health brokers, and consultants. Competition and choice is a beautiful feature of capitalism. We have a guarantee, three uniques, and training to help serve our clients with competency, creativity, and caring.

We guarantee savings, or we work for free.

We guarantee results because we work with business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders who are open to new strategies, enjoy collaboration, and care for their employees. Our recommended strategies will save you more money than our consulting fees. If we can’t demonstrate savings after 12 months, we work for free until we do. In addition to guaranteed savings, we have structured our business to be in your business’s best interests.

We are unique in ways that benefit you.

  1. $0 Deductible Options. Keep your current plan design while adding opportunities during the year for employees to have the option (but not the obligation) to pick lower-cost medical providers who are board-certified, high-quality, and accept lower prices because we facilitate faster payment. This allows your plan members to have their deductible for certain cases lowered to $0.  


  2. Access Lower Cash Rates for Medical Claims. You can offer $0 deductible opportunities because we have access to a national network of providers who take cash up front, charging your health plan 20-75% less on specific cases. Once again, this can be optional and sit on top of your current plan design to offer a win-win for plan members and employers.  

  3. No Hidden Kickbacks. We work for you and only accept payment from our employer clients. This way, we are not incentivized to pick a carrier, network, or vendor because they offer the highest commission. Be sure to ask your current broker for an annual compensation form. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (CAA) mandates that brokers and consultants disclose their compensation to plan fiduciaries a.k.a. you the business owner offering employee health benefits.

We are independent Health Rosetta and FMMA Members.

Bull Benefits is an independent employee benefits consulting business. We have the autonomy to work for you. Our skills or honed through our strategic memberships with leading organizations such as Health Rosetta and the Free Market Medical Association. We adhere to the Health Rosetta Benefits Advisor Code of Conduct.